About Apra

Apra Awards

Congratulations to our 2024 Apra Awards winners: Elizabeth Mills (Scholarship), Selene Hur (Margaret Fuhry Award), Edwina Kendrick (Professional of the Year), Kathryn Thomas (Distinguished Service Award) and Karen T. Isble (Visionary Award). See the 2024 Awards Video here. View the Apra Past Awards Winners page for a list of previous award recipients.

Last year, the Apra Board of Directors recognized Karen Isble with the Visionary Award marking only the sixth time in Apra’s history that the board has bestowed the Award. To learn more about Karen, check out this episode of Beyond Prospecting: The Apra Podcast, featuring Karen Isble, the 2024 Apra Visionary Award recipient.


Apra Scholarship Award

Funded by the Apra Foundation

In support of Apra's goal to promote professional growth, Apra's Scholarship Award ensures accessibility to educational programming by awarding a scholarship to an Apra member based on financial need and professional merit. In a review of applications, the selection committee will consider professional achievements, proven leadership within and outside their organization, and volunteer participation with local/regional groups. Selection is weighted on both merit and financial need.

The recipient of the Apra Scholarship Award receives a free registration to Apra’s Prospect Development Conference (in-person or virtual), plus a complimentary year of Apra membership at the Professional level. If the recipient attends in-person, they will also receive complimentary hotel accommodation, and they will be reimbursed for travel and travel-related expenses not to exceed $1,000 USD.

Self-nominations are permitted. If nominating yourself, please include the name(s) of and contact information for your immediate supervisor(s). Nominees must be current members of Apra International. Nominators may submit more than one nomination per year.

A committee of Apra members will select one (1) Apra Scholarship Award recipient.


  • Applicants must be a current Apra International Member in good standing. 
  • Applicants must demonstrate financial need.
  • Applicants must work at least 50% of the time in prospect development, prospect management, and/or analytics for a non-profit organization. 
  • Scholarship winners must wait 10 years before applying again.

Apra Foundation Trustees and Board Members are not eligible to receive an award and will abstain from nominating or scoring any nominees that work at their same organization.

Submit a Nomination

Apra Margaret Fuhry Award

Funded by the Apra Foundation

Established in 1998, the Apra Margaret Fuhry Award is given to an Apra member committed to the prospect development profession based on leadership, mentorship and volunteerism. 

The recipient of the Margaret Fuhry Award receives a free registration to Apra’s Prospect Development Conference (in-person or virtual). If the recipient attends in-person, they will also receive complimentary hotel accommodation, and they will be reimbursed for travel and travel-related expenses not to exceed $1,000 USD.

Self-nominations are permitted. If nominating yourself, please include the name(s) of and contact information for your immediate supervisor(s). Nominees must be current members of Apra International. Nominators may submit more than one nomination per year.

A committee of Apra members will select one (1) Apra Margaret Fuhry Award recipient.


  • Applicants must be a current Apra International Member in good standing. 
  • Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to the profession of prospect development through leadership, mentorship and volunteerism.
  • In the past year, the nominee has worked least 50% of the time in prospect development, prospect management, and/or analytics for a nonprofit organization.
  • Applicants must have volunteered within two years of the submission due date.

Apra Foundation Trustees and Board Members are not eligible to receive an award and will abstain from nominating or scoring any nominees that work at their same organization.

Submit a Nomination

Apra Professional of the Year Award

Funded by the Apra Foundation

This award was established in 1999 and is open to all Apra members. Formerly known as the Researcher of the Year award, it recognizes an outstanding prospect development professional who has significantly impacted their organization's success in fulfilling its mission. The award acknowledges the skills, talents and accomplishments of a member in our profession who has gone above the scope of their core duties and played a leadership role in their organization.

The recipient of the Professional of the Year Award receives a free registration to Apra’s Prospect Development Conference (in-person or virtual). If the recipient attends in-person, they will also receive complimentary hotel accommodation, and they will be reimbursed for travel and travel-related expenses not to exceed $1,000 USD.

Self-nominations are permitted. If nominating yourself, please include the name(s) of and contact information for your immediate supervisor(s). Nominees must be current members of Apra International. Nominators may submit more than one nomination per yeaar.

A committee of Apra members will select one (1) Apra Professional of the Year.


  • Applicants must be a current Apra International Member in good standing. 
  • Applicant must be employed by a nonprofit organization registered with its national governing authority (if in the United States, a 501(c)(3).
  • Applicant conducts prospect research and/or relationship management in their position at least 50% of the time.
  • Developed or significantly enhanced a program at their organization directly impacting the organization’s ability to raise more money
  • Demonstrates the ability to work as a team player
  • Demonstrates a strong commitment to the Apra Statement of Ethics 

Apra Foundation Trustees and Board Members are not eligible to receive an award and will abstain from nominating or scoring any nominees that work at their same organization.

Submit a Nomination

Apra Distinguished Service Award

Funded by the Apra Foundation

Established in 1990, the Distinguished Service Award honors an individual who has enhanced both the prospect development profession and Apra through exceptional contributions beyond their daily paid work. The award considers professional competencies (the Apra Skill Sets and the Body of Knowledge) and personal competencies (contributions that facilitate exceptional learning and talents). Self-nominations are permitted.

The recipient of the Distinguished Service Award will receive a free registration to Apra’s Prospect Development Conference (in-person or virtual). If the recipient attends in-person, they will also receive complimentary hotel accommodation, and they will be reimbursed for travel and travel-related expenses not to exceed $1,000 USD.

Self-nominations are permitted. If nominating yourself, please include the name(s) of and contact information for your immediate supervisor(s). Nominees must be current members of Apra International. Nominators may submit more than one nomination per year.

A committee of Apra members will select one (1) Apra Distinguished Service Award.


  • Applicants must be a current Apra International Member in good standing. 
  • Applicant has at least five years of experience in the field of prospect development.
  • Exhibits leadership in Apra International and/or an Apra Chapter. 
  • Anticipates trends and displays vision. 
  • Contributes to the lifelong learning and knowledge of prospect development professionals. 
  • Promotes the profession of advancement research to other organizations within the philanthropic community in order to facilitate understanding and ongoing dialogue. 
  • Demonstrates a strong commitment to the Apra Statement of Ethics
  • Exhibits a personal/professional belief in philanthropy. 

Please email info@aprahome.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Apra Foundation Trustees and Board Members are not eligible to receive an award and will abstain from nominating or scoring any nominees that work at their same organization.

Submit a Nomination

If you have questions about Apra awards, please view our Frequently Asked Questions page, or contact Apra Headquarters.