Hey Advocacy! Podcast
The Apra Advocacy Committee created this podcast to provide Apra members with various practical answers to questions pertaining to advocating for yourself, your teams and our profession. Hey Advocacy is a roundtable podcast so that you will benefit from diverse experiences and viewpoints.
Download episode 1. Presented by Amy Turbes, Director of Prospect Development and Campaign Strategy, Creighton University; Misa Lobato, Assistant Vice President of Advancement Strategy, University of Colorado; Emily Walsh, Associate Vice President, Development Research and Resources, University of Arizona Foundation & Jon Garrow, Assistant Director, Donor Strategy & Research, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Health System
Download episode 2. Interested in learning more about what is happening in the UK with the Data Protection guidelines and how it affects Prospect Research? Tune into Episode 2 of the Hey Advocacy! Podcast Series, sponsored by the Apra Advocacy Committee, to hear from Helen Brown and two of her colleagues share their knowledge working in this current environment.
Download episode 3. The latest episode in the series features Mark Egge, Apra president-elect and senior manager of prospect development for Greater Twin Cities United Way, and Amy Turbes, Apra secretary and senior director of strategy, research and development at Creighton University, discussing power, influence and critical relationships in the workplace. They discuss how to incorporate the popular concept of winning friends and influencing people into our prospect development work.
Have ideas or suggestions regarding how we can help you to advocate for the Prospect Development industry? Email us at info@aprahome.org.

Download the advocacy infographic here.