Apra News

Recent Articles

Get the most out of your LinkedIn efforts!
Take advantage of APRA’s LinkedIn & Prospect Research Best Practices to better utilize LinkedIn for your prospect development needs.
Quarter 1 issue of Connections is out now!
The quarter 1 issue of APRA Connections is available now for all APRA members!This issue's cover story, Our Past, Future and Big Data in the...
MARC Education Sessions Page is Live!
The MARC Education Sessions page is officially live! Education sessions are aligned with the Body of Knowledge whose tracks consist of Prospect...
Register for Prospect Development 2015
Registration is now open for Prospect Development 2015! Join APRA in New Orleans to Build Connections, Competencies, and Careers.
Expand Your APRA Network Today!
APRA offers invaluable benefits to our extensive member network.
Don’t forget to register for the second annual APRA Education Week: Chapters Share the Knowledge
APRA chapters are pleased to present the second annual Education Week: Chapters Share the Knowledge, with 10 days of complimentary educational and...
Join the APRA Community
Member experiences are critical in showcasing the value in belonging to the APRA community
Explore the Future of Fundraising Intelligence at the OverDRIVE/APRA Summit
Register for DRIVE/ and stay for APRA’s Summit to experience a day of collaboration and learning. 
Explore the Future of Fundraising Intelligence at the OverDRIVE/APRA Summit
Register for DRIVE/ and stay for APRA’s Summit to experience a day of collaboration and learning.
Continue to Learn, Grow, and Connect with APRA in 2015
Connect, learn, and grow with APRA in 2015 and receive complimentary member rates to Prospect Development 2015 and MARC, exclusive job seeker...