Apra News

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APRA is Here to Help You!
Take advantage of all of APRA’s “Resources” today. From volunteering opportunities to ethics and standards, check out useful tips and tricks from...
Twitter Chat Recap: Continuing the ‘Fundraiser Performance’ Conversation
On May 24, APRA members spent 60 minutes connecting through Twitter in APRA’s first #APRAchats event. More than a dozen fundraising...
Prospect Development 2016 Early-Bird Rates End June 10
Don't miss out! ‪Prospect Development 2016 early-bird rates end THIS Friday, June 10. This is your last chance to attend APRA's Annual Conference...
Don't Fall Behind the Curve - Attend Prospect Development 2016!
Are you looking to enhance your current analytics program, or implement a new program in your development office? The Data Analytics Symposium,...
ARC 2016 Early Bird Deadline Extended to April 18
Don’t miss early bird savings for this year's APRA Regional Conference (ARC), held in Chicago June 6-8. ARC focuses on issues specific to each...
Register today for APRA’s Upcoming Webinar
How do your constituents rank in capacity and prominence against peer organizations? This webinar, part of APRA's Online Solutions Showcase, will...
Join APRA at OverDRIVE/ 2016
Attending the DRIVE/ Conference May 17-18? Stay an extra day for OverDRIVE/ 2016 and dive deeper into all things analytics. Register today!
Register Now for Prospect Development 2016!
Prospect Development 2016, APRA's 29th Annual International Conference, will be held July 27 - 30 in Nashville, TN. Professionals in prospect...
Hear from Andrew Means at ARC 2016!
Be a part of the inaugural APRA Regional Conference (ARC) 2016, a three-day education and networking event that will take place from June 6-8 in...
Register Now for OverDRIVE/APRA Summit
Register for DRIVE/ on May 17-18 and stay for APRA's OverDRIVE Summit, May 19, in Seattle/Bellevue, Washington.