Apra News

Recent Articles

Twitter Chat Recap: Mega Millions: Demystifying Principal Gifts
On Tuesday, January 30, Apra members gathered around their screens to join in on the latest Apra Twitter Chat on Principal Gifts. Here are some...
Chapters Share the Knowledge has Begun
Apra's Chapters Share the Knowledge has officially begun! Visit the webpage for a full listing of all of the free educational offerings you can...
Best of Connections 2017 Is Here!
This special-issue magazine features some of the best articles published in Apra's Connections content hub last year.
Make Data Work for You at OverDRIVE/ 2018
Registration for OverDRIVE/ 2018 is open! Make sure you register and plan to join Apra on February 26 for a deep-dive into analytics.
Chapters Share the Knowledge Kicks off Next Week
Chapters Share the Knowledge kicks off on Monday. Browse the schedule and register now for 10 days of offerings!
Attend Upcoming PRSPCT-L Webinar to Learn More About the Revamped Platform
In this webinar, taking place during Apra's Chapters Share the Knowledge, Apra volunteers and staff will explain the changes that users will see...
Justify Your Attendance
Utilize these customizable justification templates to gain approval to attend Prospect Development or the Data Analytics Symposium before...
Apra’s Salary Survey Is Coming Soon!
Apra will be sending its 2018 salary survey to members in mid-February, and we hope you’ll take the survey. Keep an eye out for updates coming soon!
Join Apra for Chapters Share the Knowledge
Check out some highlights from the Chapters Share the Knowledge agenda and plan to tune in February 5-16, 2018.
And the Award Goes To...
Submit Your Nomination for 2018 Apra Awards Today!