Apra News

Recent Articles

Twitter Chat Recap: Know It All - Tips and Tricks for the New Professional
Earlier this month, Anne Brownlee, Kelly Riutta and Caroline Oblack answered a variety of questions from new researchers, following Apra's New...
Registration Is Open for Prospect Development 2019
Registration is now open for Prospect Development, Apra's premier annual conference. PD is where more than 1,000 prospect development...
Board Nominations Deadline Approaching
If you are considering recommending a colleague for a Director position on the Apra Board--or applying for one yourself--time is of the essence!...
Tell Us How We're Doing
Apra members: You have less than a week left to take our Member Needs survey and share your feedback on all-things Apra!
NRS Is Quickly Approaching...
There's still time to fast-track your prospect development skills.
Don't Forget: Chapters Share the Knowledge Starts Next Week!
Apra chapters are bringing you 10 days of free education, starting next week.
Prospect Development 2019 Keynote Announced
We're extremely pleased to announce that Michelle Poler -- influencer, social entrepreneur, branding strategist, and creator of the The 100 Days...
Now Accepting Nominations
Nominations are in full swing at Apra! In the spirit of commemorating those who have greatly contributed to the industry as well as supporting...
What Data Analysis Tells Corey Krawiec About Football Players
We connected with OverDRIVE/ 2019 keynote speaker Corey Krawiec to understand how data and analytics optimize the Baltimore Ravens.
Twitter Chat Recap: BoK This Way
Last month, prospect development professionals joined Meg Kinney and Lori Hood Lawson for a lively discussion on Apra's Body of Knowledge...