Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Category: BoK Career Roadmap
Over the past year, Apra has been working hard to establish the Apra website as the association's centralized hub for all resources, events, education and more. In an effort to expand and better utilize the Apra Career Center, Apra will be closing the Job Community, and will instead encourage members and non-members to submit all job posts to the Career Center.
We understand this is a big change for users of the Job Community, which is why it will not officially close until July 1, 2023. We want to assure our members that this decision was carefully made. As a result of this change, we are updating the pricing structure of the Career Center and offering a new discount for Apra members.
The Apra Career Center has a robust network of prospect development and research professionals, and is a place where Apra members and non-members in the industry can connect. Additional benefits of the Career Center include:
- The ability to easily post open positions
- A targeted resume bank search feature — pay only for the resumes of job seekers interested in your position
- Access to highly qualified, professional candidates within seconds
- Pre-screening filters to deliver the best candidates directly to your inbox
Have questions about this change? Please reach out to Apra HQ at